Today I want to wrote my experience on installing GUI on my CentOS VPS.
My VPS having the following specifications :
– Disk Space 50 Gb
– Memory 2 Gb
– Operating System CentOs 6 32 Bit
1. Installing Desktop Environtment :
# yum -y install gnome*
# yum -y install kde*
# yum -y groupinstall “KDE (K Desktop Environtment)”
# yum -y groupinstall “X Window System”
2. Installing VNC Server :
# yum -y install vnc vnc-server firefox x11-xorg
3. Setting up the VNC Server :
# vncserver :1 -geometry 1024×768 -depth 16 -pixelformat rgb565
4. Adding configuration to the xstartup :
# nano ~/.vnc/xstartup
add this line at the bottom :
gnome-session &
5. Start the VNC Server and connect to it :
# vncserver
And then it will ask you the password for logging to your VPS
Connect to your VPS using your favourite VNC Viewer and the IP, for example : 55.555.555.555:1
wih, makasih gan, lagi dicariin :v