
[Solved] – A little weird case with RamNode SSD Cached VZ2

I know it’s hard for me to write this, but I have to.
Several days ago, I just noticed some slow connection and other thing with my RamNode SSD Cached VZ2.

I know it might be just my network, but it’s weird if compared to my Prometeus VZ5 which is hosting my blog. My Prometeus VZ5 only took a little time to play the music from my wordpress blog, while at RamNode, it could took more than 5 minutes.
I’ve asked Nick about this, but he said that the node where my vps located is on low traffic, so in the other words I shouldn’t have a problem with the connection.
Let’s see about my traceroute bellow :
Traceroute from my modem to Prometeus VZ 5 :

And this is the traceroute to my RamNode :

From the traceroute to my RamNode VPS, I get the same hops compared to my Prometeus VPS, but the speed is slow. I hope my ISP fix the problem immediately 🙁
Update  27-02-2013

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