Creating monitoring uptime page

· 1 min read

This tutorial is based on the Fzaninoto Uptime and maybe some people want to do an easy and fast way to use it, but they will face a problem if they don’t have the required packages.
So, here is the tutorial for it, and all of this is run under my Debian 6 32bit OpenVZ VPS from prometeus.
Installing Node.js 

This tutorial is based from :
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
# apt-get install python g++ make git-core curl build-essential openssl libssl-dev libyaml-perl libjson-any-perl
# mkdir ~/nodejs && cd $_
# wget -N
# tar xzvf node-latest.tar.gz && cd `ls -rd node-v*`
# ./configure
# make install
To check if you have completed the installation, type :
# node -v

* Please also note that it would take some time to complete the installation
Installing Uptime and NPM dependencies :

# git clone git://
# cd uptime
# npm install
# npm install config
# npm install uglify-js