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How to reduce spam comments in wordpress

Since my website pagerank increasing this January 2011 from PR 1 to PR 2, my blog is also getting more spam comments. Usually they are from Argentina, Mexico, Brazill, and many other countries in America.
Daily spam comments is about 8 to 16. So, I am thinking, that spam comment must be posted by using a software or script with automation for a wordpress comment box that didn’t use any verification.
And since this February, I tried to use simple Captcha validator for all my blog comment. Finally, none of the spam comments is comming again to my blog.
If you want to try this Captcha Plugin for your WordPress, you can try to search for “SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam” which is developed by Mike Challis

SI Captcha


  1. drmike

    How many comments though are you missing? I know I have to get a librarian over here to help me read the captcha.
    You have something funky going on it your comment field as well. I can’t go back and edit what I just wrote. The home and end keys don’t work and that makes writing this comment very difficult for me.

    • Administrator

      It’s an honor for me to have you visiting my blog.
      For this comment field, it’s because of the template I am using. I can’t use the home and end button, also the arrow is not working too.
      Maybe I should change my current template to another.
      Do you have any suggestions sir?

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