1 min read

Cancelling my Crissic VPS

A few days ago, I bought a vps from Crissic with a nice specs, 512MB memory, 50GB disk, 2 TB bandiwdth, 2 IPv4 and upto 200 IPv6.
As usual, the vps installed with Debian 6 32bit, and optimized using Minstall. But the optimization make the vps load to 1, and it took a long time. Just the same as Hosthatch vps when I was first time using it, they have a user abusing the node, they said. And a few days later, Hosthatch having problem with the memory and have to replace it.
My first intention for buying a vps from Crissic is only for watching Hulu.com, but after installing OpenVPN, I found that it’s laggy to watch Hulu. The ping respons 315ms from Indonesia, so it’s high enough.
I asked to SkylarM via PM in LET, but get no respond, so I just cancel it yesterday. Well, sorry to do that, I really hate to do cancellation. But for something that is not good enough, and no answer, I’d rather leave. Maybe this is my first and my last joining Crissic.