Tutorial kali ini adalah cara decompress file lzs rom-0 yang berisi firmware dari Modem. Rasanya lebih aman kalau melakukan dekompresi file pada komputer atau server…
Bulan lalu beberapa komputer di kantor Bandung mengalami masalah ketika ingin membuka situs di internet, selain itu ketika membuka Google.com selalu muncul peringatan untuk mengupdate…
Today one of my friend posted a link to his referral Bonafide.io account which claimed for free Bitcoin up to 25BTC so I try to…
Just logged in to my DO this morning, and saw one notification on top. Previous payment will be made after $10 deposits of our referrals,…
May 23, 2014 Zopim sending me an email that they were acquired by Zendesk. And here is part of the message :
I’ve been curious about VPSDatabase thread which saying out of business in WHT, and so they were really out of business from this thread. And…