Today I want to cancel my vps from, but because I can’t delete it from the client area, and must be deleted from the…
After hunting for a KVM with FreeBSD os templates, finally I go with Frontrangehosting. Here is the list of KVM provider I want to purchase…
Saya menerima kabar duka, Hari Rabu, tanggal 25 September 2013. Salah seorang saudara kami, saudara sepupu, anak dari Budhe kami di Kudus, mas Ayndryanto, meninggal…
Malam ini aku terbangun, dan dalam kondisi melihat diriku sendiri, Jiwaku seakan melihat badanku sendiri, terpisah antara jasad dan badan, dan dalam keadaan bingung. Bagaimanakah…
Today I’m posting some review about Hosthatch, which is having a nice server in the Netherlands. Here is the small vps I brought from the…
I’m testing several providers this week, some of them is my previous provider, and one of them is a new provider for me 🙂 Connectindo…