Creating monitoring uptime page
This tutorial is based on the Fzaninoto Uptime and maybe some people want to do an easy and fast way to use it, but they will face a problem if they don’t have the required packages.
So, here is the tutorial for it, and all of this is run under my Debian 6 32bit OpenVZ VPS from prometeus.
Installing Node.js
This tutorial is based from : # apt-get update && apt-get upgrade # apt-get install python g++ make git-core curl build-essential openssl libssl-dev libyaml-perl libjson-any-perl # mkdir ~/nodejs && cd $_ # wget -N # tar xzvf node-latest.tar.gz && cd `ls -rd node-v*` # ./configure # make install To check if you have completed the installation, type : # node -v
* Please also note that it would take some time to complete the installation
Installing Uptime and NPM dependencies :
# git clone git:// # cd uptime # npm install # npm install config # npm install uglify-js
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