1 min read

DotVPS bought by HTTPZoom

After several thread about CurtisG, which is also having another username in LET, such ajone, datafrog, now we have another news about DotVPS.co
Jack, the owner of DotVPS.co sold the company to the HTTPZoom as this post in LowEndTalk.
As Jack mentioned, the main reason is about the attack at any UK provider. And that’s the most reason why there’s not much vps provider in the UK.
I’ve saw another thread like this, when VMPort which is owned by Ashley sold to Urpad / FTNHosting. And then not long after that Ashley bring new company online as GetKVM. Another funny story is that GetKVM.com and GetKVM.net is different :p
Well, let’s hope that DotVPS.co become better after being brought by HTTPZoom, because as I know HTTPZoom is providing a nice service 🙂