Host1Free terminating unused vps account, keep your vps online to avoid termination
Today I’m receiving a notification email from Host1Free, a free vps provider which is giving me a free vps a while ago.
Dear Host1Free Users, We have recently noticed that majority of the ONLINE free VPS servers are not being used and are simply kept online consuming resources. A week ago we have issued a shutdown on all of free VPS servers and we are currently monitoring the system to see how many of the servers are being actively used. We would like to inform you that all of the servers that will not be turned back ONLINE after the initial shutdown will be TERMINATED next week. Please take your time and turn ON your free VPS if you intend to use it, otherwise you will lose all of the data present on your server. Regards, Host1Free
So, if you’re Host1Free user, please turn your vps on to avoid termination. 🙂
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