2 min read

How to run a Decred Full Node

This tutorial will explain how to run a Decred Full Node in a Ubuntu 14 64bit and a Windows 7 64bit. You can use another Operating System with 64bit too 🙂
Decred Full Node in a Windows 7 64bit

  • Download Decred for Windows 7 64bit here

Decred Full Node in a Ubuntu 14 64bit

  • Download Decred for Linux 64bit here
  • Extract it by using command :
    # tar xf linux*
  • Go to the extracted directory :
    # cd linux*
  • There will be three files :
  • Run the Daemon :
    # ./dcrd -u user -P password

    You need to change the “user” and the “password” as you want,  keep it hard and secret.  If it running without problem, you will see something like this
    Decred Daemon

  • Open another shell with the same directory we extracted the Decred, and run
    # dcrwallet --create

    You will be asked for a Wallet Passphrase, enter it and keep it in note.
    Next you will be asked to add extra security, type yes, and enter your Public Passphrase, keep it in note.
    After that, you will be asked to enter a wallet seed, if you had one you can enter it, otherwise type NO.
    Last, type OK if you have saved the Wallet Generation Seed and the HEX.

  • Run our Wallet
    # ./dcrwallet -u user -P password --walletpass publicpassphrase --dcrdusername=user --dcrdpassword=password


  • Create new wallet address :
    # ./dcrctl -u user -P password --wallet getnewaddress

So, to run a Full Node in Linux, we just need to run the daemon with the command # ./dcrd -u user -P password
But if we want to run the wallet, we need to run the daemon and then the wallet to make it communicated, so there will be two shell windows. Or you can use “screen” to keep daemon running,  and another “screen” for running the wallet.
To run some command to see the Decred balance, or see the transaction, we need to run daemon + wallet + another shell windows for command.
For example, to see the wallet balance, we need to have our daemon running, we need to have our wallet running, and run this command at the new shell

# ./dcrctl -u user -P password --wallet getbalance