1 min read

My website hacked by w0LF Gh4m3D

Today one of my website which hosted in a shared hosting environment got suspended because it’s running many malicious script and attacking the server.
My website name is www.webhostingkudus.com, and maybe many Moslem Hacker miss represented this as a Non-Moslem website. As all of you should know, it’s created under the name www.webhostingkudus.com, because I’m living in Kudus, a nice Moslem City in Central Java, Indonesia.
The City founder, Sunan Kudus or Syeikh Raden Ja’far Shodiq, decided to name the City as Kudus, because he want to create the City as beautifull as the Al-Quds or Baitul Maqdis, a City where Masjidil Aqso located in Jerussallem / Palestina .
It’s hacked by w0LF Gh4m3D. And altough the hacker have been removing the log files, they still left some logs for me.
In the error_log, I found the latest IP of the visitor :

If you want to add more security, just add those three IP’s to your blocklist. Or you can banned the whole Middle East from accessing your website.