Shardhost going out of business after posting their new website with annual offer, annualkvm. This case is almost as usual case, where when a provider…
So, I checked my Gmail Junk folder, and found the email bellow, it’s just weird, since this domain is registered using my name, then how…
Since the service is unused, I just cancelled the following : Backupsy UK Frontrangehosting KVM My Frontrangehosting KVM were still having unresolved issue with the…
Last week, my vps from Iniz were unreachable and having some problem, so I decided to cancel my vps from Iniz and move all my…
I juts found out that someone advertising BoxSRV in WHT, and in the history of that domain, it was started by Ashley Hawkridge. Ashley also…
From my monitoring page, I found that my OpenVZ vps from Iniz in LAX1 node is unreachable, and when I try to connect to it…