I saw several advertisement on the WHT that offering a VPS with the Control Panel using vePortal. And vePortal is my new experience with. Usually I’m only using SolusVM or HyperVM for managing the VPS.
Today, I tried to make several purchase. First, I try to buy from TheHostGenie, a BurstNet reseller. But I’m having problem with the MaxMind, it marked my order as fraud. Sent a Ticket to the Billing Departement of TheHostGenie, and mr. Alex is asked me to make another order just to make sure my address and my IP is related. But still the same, MaxMind still marked me as fraud.
So, I try to look for another VPS provider, and I saw GoFindUs. Their price is little higher, but I guess it’s OK, since they have been in this business for a long time.
Tried to make and order, and the payment is instant using Paypal. As stated on the advertisement, the provision can take up to 3 hours, due to heavy fraud screening. It’s okay too. And I got my username, and password to login less than 3 hours.
Here, I will post the screenshot of vePortal for my VPS :
This is my VPS specifications from GoFindUs :
- Disk Space 20 Gb
- Bandwidth 1000 Gb
- Backup Limit 5
- RAM 512 Mb
- Burstable RAM 512 Mb
- 2000 Mhz CPU (altough stated in the vePortal it’s 1000 Mhz)
- 2 IP Addresses
And I just know that using vePortal we can enabled the TUN/Tap modules, so there is no need to buy XEN VPS anymore. But too bad, my IP is listed in several RBL ๐