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Tutorial – Installing Squid 2.7 in Debian VPS

This time, I’m gonna write a tutorial for installing squid proxy in a Debian VPS ( BuyVM )

  • Lets install squid in the Debian VPS :
  • Shutdown squid if it’s running :
  • Configure the squid.conf located at /etc/squid/squid.conf:

    Add the following code at the top of squid.conf :

    To change the squid port from default port 3128 to another port, reopen again the /etc/squid/squid.conf, change the http_port from 3128 to another port to secure your squid from unauthorized use, for example :

    Save the modified squid.confΒ  by pressing Ctrl + O, and press Enter
    Exit from nano editor by pressing Ctrl + X
  • Create file users_password for squid security purpose :

    Type a character and delete it. And then save the file by pressing Ctrl + O
    Exit from the nano editor by pressing Ctrl + X
  • Now, we will use the function htpasswd from the apache to securing access to our squid server :

    for example :

    Type the password for it.
  • Running the squid :
  • Now you have a squid program running in your Debian VPS.

If you want to use it, you can use the example configuration at your browser proxy setting :
IP Address :Β  Port : 12873
The IP Address is your VPS IP Address, and the Port is using your squid http_port configuration


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