Moving Back to QuickWeb

Last night, I am moving back this blog to the QuickWeb. There is nothing wrong with BuyVM, but I just want to try again with QuickWeb.
This Blog which created using LowEndScript with Debian 5,  now also equipped with Memcached and W3 Total Cache.
So, here is the tutorial for installing the Memcached in this Debian VPS :

  1. Set the permissions of wp-content/ to 755 :
  2. Update the installation:
  3. Install the C Compiler
  4. Installing the Sysvconfig for configuring init script
  5. Installing required package
  6. Installing libevent

    If the previous command not working, we can try to compile it from the source. Now lets download the package and extract it :
  7. Compile the memcached

    After finished, you should see something like :
  8. Run the following command
  9. Config the server for the new install
  10. Download and extract the latest memcached
  11. Compile the memcached
  12. Make sure memcached started when server start
  13. Start the memcached
  14. Restart the Nginx and PHP-Cgi

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