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HosterBin SolusVM issue – totally useless

Yesterday I saw an offer of cheap vps in WHT from HosterBin.
Because they’re having Corporate Membership, I decided to try their offer :

In the order form, there are several OS to choose for, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS. But after completing the payment, we only have CentOS OS in SolusVM, and the VPS status is offline.
So I opened a Ticket (#398062) , asking for adding more OS template in SolusVM.

And instead of adding new OS, they just installed the OS, and created another VM. So I ask them again, which one should I use.

No SSH connection can be made to the VM, but it can work inside the SolusVM COnsole.
Asking another OS template in Ticket, and they fixed it. I will try to perform some review and benchmark soon 🙂

— Update —
July 27, 2012 – I try to reinstall the vps with another OS :

  • CentOS 6 is having error with the repo.
  • Ubuntu 11 64 bit is having error with the repo.
  • Ubuntu 11.10 is having error with the repo.

All having error with the name resolutions. Tried to edit the /etc/resolv.conf, but still useless.
I can’t connect using direct ssh to the vps, I can only connect to the vps via console. Never have this problem with another provider before. So, never buy anything from this host. You’re just wasting your time and your money with them.


  1. Robert

    I had the same issue but they actually fixed all their templates. After that i had no issues. Their support is fairly fast never had an issue with that. Also their prices are very good too.

    • Erawan Arif Nugroho

      For the support they are fast, and I agree with that 🙂
      But my main problem is with the os templates. I have the problem, and then they added more templates. But when I try to update/upgrade always having error.
      I don’t want to spend my time just to fix the repo for each templates I will use, because I never had that kind of issue with another provider ( except BlueVM OpenVZ).
      If they give me another chance and they can convince me it will not happen again, maybe I will try it again.
      But thank you for coming to my blog and giving a comment 🙂

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