Installing Ubuntu 12 with LXDE to Smartfren Andromax i

So, after reading one of thread in LowEndTalk about Ubuntu in the Android, I decided to visit to download the image for the Android. But sadly, it’s still not available for public release.
I try the tutorial from the xdaforum, downloaded the Ubuntu image, extract it in my android, and run it from Terminal Emulator, voila. I have a running Ubuntu with LXDE.
But because it’s LXDE, it maybe a little weird compared to GNOME.
I will try another hack to my android tonight 🙂
If you curious about this, you could try the step by step installation :

  • Install the Complete Ubuntu Installer from GooglePlay
  • Download the Ubuntu 12.04 v.4 Small from Sourceforge
  • Extract the downloaded image to the android storage, you will get two files:
    ubuntu.img and ubuntu.md5
    The downloaded image is ~400mb, but it will be 2GB after extracted. So make sure you have a large storage.
  • Follow the command from the application / Complete Ubuntu Installer, click Launch, it will start the Terminal Emulator and start installing the Ubuntu image to the Android storage.
  • It will shows ubuntu@localhost if the installation completed, and also installing openssh server and tightvncserver so you can connect to your Android later 🙂


    • Tutorial ini sudah dicoba mas, itu screenshot yang saya ambil langsung dari Andromax-i saya waktu itu. 🙂
      Tapi jangan salah paham ya, kita memang bisa menjalankan Linux didalam/di atas Android. Tapi bukan berarti menimpa/menghapus OS Android kita.
      karena kemarin juga sudah saya coba untuk mereplace Android 4.04 saya dengan image Ubuntu serta image Linux lainnya, tapi tidak bisa.

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