March 17, 2013 Uncel Salvatore posted an offer in LET and LEB of a big memory VPS which come with :
5 GB RAM 512MB vSwap Disk space 50 GB Bandiwdth 2TB 1 IPv4 and 4 IPv6 SolusVM OpenVZ Price: £ 4.55 / month, using the promotional code OVerZold50-30OFF
This is another crazy deals from Uncel Salvatore in this year. At first, I thought it was a part of April 1 joke, but it’s not :p
So, I decided to buy this vps, but I’m not intending to run a benchmark because I believe many people already did that, so I don’t want to create another load on the node.
Another question come after I got this vps, what would I use this vps for?
- A Minecraft Server
- Moving this blog to this big vps
- Running monitoring script
- Providing Free Shared Hosting
- Providing Free disposable email
- Rapidleech server
- OpenVPN Server
- Another game server
At this time, I just want to test the performance of this vps for several months. If it’s good enough, no downtime or another problem like what happened in the OpenVZ SSD 7 deal before, maybe I will switch to this new vps.
As usual, all Uncle Salvatore offer, always a great offer. A great personal touch, and feeling like a corporate customer, even if we’re a personal customer. And also very friendly way to contact, as a friend, rather than as a customer / buyer.
That’s what I feel when I heard the name of Prometeus 🙂
Munin monitoring can be viewed here
finally I decided to buy too 🙂
I’m moving all of my blog to this VPS and provide Free shared hosting to my friend 🙂
Hehehe.. I’m moving this blog last night too 😀
Was about to provide a free shared hosting, but most of my friend are clueless about shared hosting.
So I only can provide them a Shared Hosting with CPanel, which will costs me some rupiah :p
Soon, I will move most of my blog from another place to here,
I’m using ZPanelCP for Control Panel, I think ZpanelCP is easy to use.
Ok, let me try it tonight. But for that, I have to move this blog to the 512mb again. Haha
Wah blog ini sudah di hoskan di vps 5GB. 😀
Hehehe… Iya mas.
Kemarin karena VZ5 di PM32 direboot, saya pindahkan ke vps yang baru 😀