March 17, 2013 Uncel Salvatore posted an offer in LET and LEB of a big memory VPS which come with :
This is another crazy deals from Uncel Salvatore in this year. At first, I thought it was a part of April 1 joke, but it’s not :p
So, I decided to buy this vps, but I’m not intending to run a benchmark because I believe many people already did that, so I don’t want to create another load on the node.
Another question come after I got this vps, what would I use this vps for?
- A Minecraft Server
- Moving this blog to this big vps
- Running monitoring script
- Providing Free Shared Hosting
- Providing Free disposable email
- Rapidleech server
- OpenVPN Server
- Another game server
At this time, I just want to test the performance of this vps for several months. If it’s good enough, no downtime or another problem like what happened in the OpenVZ SSD 7 deal before, maybe I will switch to this new vps.
As usual, all Uncle Salvatore offer, always a great offer. A great personal touch, and feeling like a corporate customer, even if we’re a personal customer. And also very friendly way to contact, as a friend, rather than as a customer / buyer.
That’s what I feel when I heard the name of Prometeus
Munin monitoring can be viewed here
finally I decided to buy too

I’m moving all of my blog to this VPS and provide Free shared hosting to my friend
Hehehe.. I’m moving this blog last night too
Was about to provide a free shared hosting, but most of my friend are clueless about shared hosting.
So I only can provide them a Shared Hosting with CPanel, which will costs me some rupiah :p
Soon, I will move most of my blog from another place to here,
I’m using ZPanelCP for Control Panel, I think ZpanelCP is easy to use.
Ok, let me try it tonight. But for that, I have to move this blog to the 512mb again. Haha
Wah blog ini sudah di hoskan di vps 5GB.
Hehehe… Iya mas.
Kemarin karena VZ5 di PM32 direboot, saya pindahkan ke vps yang baru