I was a bit surprissed this morning when I try to visit LowEndTalk.com and only found the 403 Forbidden page.
Some idea’s were about ColloCrossing payload, because LET is hosted by them, but we don’t have any evidence. A thread also posted in WHT and talking about it.
Now, what do you think about this?
ColoCrossing case study
Pantes aja saya tadi siang ga bisa buka LET. makasih mas atas infonya
Iya, ini udah beberapa hari kasusnya.
Kena hack sekali, semua member berubah menjadi admin, lalu jadi 403, kosong total.
Diperbaiki, bermasalah lagi, muncul 403.
Yang sekarang ini jadi lupa, yang kedua apa yang ketiga :p
He he he sehari 3 kali di-hack. Kayak minum obat aja. 😛
Hehehe…. Rekor itu om 😀
Sekarang ada di https://lowendtalk.vanillaforums.com
Terima kasih informasinya mas 🙂