SolusVM 0day exploit for centralbackup.php and rofl.php
I was just went online this morning, and read a post in LET that mentioning that a VPS Provider have been facing a problem caused by a 0day exploit of SolusVM which is run by a kid named Robert xxx ( which is also a provider from ServerCrate ).
This exploit is as posted in
Some post mention this person who run the exploit at RamNode SolusVM Client Area.
This exploit allowing the SolusVM user, password, ip, os and another data to be leaked. And that’s also caused RamNode main site, SolusVM master and client to be wiped.
And today, my vps finally being rebooted. I wish this is for applying the patch to the SolusVM by Nick. So, as always, Nick always trying to give his best for his customers.
For another provider which is happy for this issue, and blame Nick for this trouble, I will never use your service, and will never recommend my friend to use your service too.
Let’s wish anyone who didn’t impacted by this 0day exploit get their SolusVM patched imediately, so they didn’t need to have this kind of problem. And if anyone find another new 0day exploit, please report it and share it to another provider, so the loss can be reduced. You want to know a new vulnerabilities and don’t want to have a problem too right?