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Moving back to Prometeus after having many downtime alert from Pingdom while hosted at DigitalOcean Singapore

After testing the new DigitalOcean location in Singapore, I’m moving back to Prometeus in Italy.
Some of the reasons :

  • Indonesian visitors having a slow access when hosted by DigitalOcean in Singapore
  • Indonesian visitors having faster access when hosted by Prometeus in Italy
  • Too many downtime alerts from Pingdom and Uptime Robot
  • Node reboot at one of DigitalOcean which causing my droplet to remain “OFF” so I have to manually boot it.

If you want to know my server uptime status, you can visit it here
My current longest uptime held by Prometeus Xen Biz and Prometeus VZ3, which is more than 270days. And the runner up were Prometeus iwStack which still UP since their first launching 175 days ago ( with HA, so it never go down )
Don’t forget to visit one of my website for online drawing from multiple users,


  1. zed

    Mau tanya, bagus mana antara iperweb us, overzold, xenpower, iwastack dan openvpz yg biz dan cheap? Semua merk promotes, yg dicari koneksinya cepat stabil jarang diskonek, cuma untuk ssh tunneling/private vpn/proxy.

  2. Erawan Arif Nugroho

    Sekarang, ini yang masih aktif dan saya pakai :
    – XenBiz 512MB Italy, koneksi stabil
    – XenPower 1G Italy, koneksi stabil
    – iwStack 512MB, dijamin ga akan down
    Kalau mau yang aman dan tetangganya tidak bikin masalah, pilihannya cuman XenBiz atau iwStack. Untuk XenPower, saya belum pernah ada masalah.
    Yang pasti, dari pengalaman, yang Xen jarang ada masalah kalau sama Prometeus 🙂
    Kalau OpenVZ, masih ada kemungkinan node reboot, karena untuk upgrade kernel/security/dll.
    Untuk kondisi uptime semua server saya, bisa dilihat di :

  3. Catalin

    I’ve used DigitalOcean too.. it was ok, but how did you already told us, sometimes goes down. Why, only they know. Now, i use only their nameservers.. or better say branded nameservers.

    • Erawan Arif Nugroho

      Maybe it’s only happen at Singapore DC. 🙂
      I’ve tried to run a droplet in NL or NYC1 for more than 6 months, and never had any downtime alert. But still, I can’t use them for an important stuff, because they just like a normal KVM VPS but with hourly billing, they still had a chance to have a downtime. Not like iwStack which would never had a downtime.

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