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Moving to the new home, Dediserve Jakart

Since Feb 25 2016, this blog moved from Hostus Singapore to the Dediserve Jakarta. They have a promo 50% off for the KVM VPS with 2GB memory, 2 cores, 30GB SSD Disk, and also with generous bandwith and good port speed although in Jakarta.
The net price is ~ $8.23/month for the VPS, and compared to another vps provider in Indonesia it’s still the cheapest.
Support also nice and kind, for example when I’m asking to change my default currency from EUR to USD, James helped me in seconds. And another one were when my order created in Dublin where it supposed to be in Jakarta, James also fix it in no time.


    • Erawan Arif Nugroho

      Dibanding dengan provider lain di Indonesia, lebih kenceng dan lebih hebat speknya mas. 🙂
      Bandwidth internasionalnya juga lumayan bagus. Sekarang saya mau coba bikin streaming server disini, nanti kalau sukses saya akan post linknya disini 🙂

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