Kali ini saya akan menuliskan sebuah tips untuk Login SSH tanpa password antar Server. Misalkan saya punya dua Web Server berikut : Server A – IP 172.192.138.xxx Server B – IP 204.74.213.xxx 12 Server A – IP 172.192.138.xxxServer B -…
Today, I saw an advertisement in the internet and decided to try it. It’s Unmeterred Santrex OpenVZ Linux, which come with : RAM 256Mb Burstable…
Today, I got an invitation as a reseller from 4FastFile.com But when I try to order as a regular buyer, it was redirected to 24instant.com,…
Another day, another problem, another email not send, another website error, and another bla bla bla Tired with all problems from Lovingdomain and Lovinghosting, I…
After using Hotfile.com for downloading several files from the Internet, I am wondering, is there any chance to be such a reseller? I am having…
After searching a whole day for cheap web hosting that accept LR ( LibertyReserve ), I decided to try to host my website at the…