Lenka – Everything at once As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear As free as a bird, as neat as a word As quiet as a mouse,…
[Liam] I’ve tried playing it cool But when I’m looking at you I can’t ever be brave ‘Cause you make my heart race [Harry] Shot me out of the sky You’re my kryptonite You keep making me weak Yeah, frozen…
Yesterday, I just bought another quarterly vps from RamNode, this time I go with OpenVZ SSD Cached VPS which will comes for $8.93/3months. I use…
Looking for some cash, I would like to sell some domains I have. If from the same registrar, domain can be pushed/transferred immediately. But if…
Hanya ingin berdiam di keheningan malam Membayangkanmu di depanku, aura dirimu mempesonaku Dan ku terdiam di keheningan malam Ku ingin memastikan diri apakah ku telah jatuh hati Kepadamu pencuri hati Yang tak ku sangka kan datang secepat ini Padamu pencuri…
I threw a wish in the well, Don’t ask me, I’ll never tell I looked to you as it fell, And now you’re in my way I’d trade my soul for a wish, Pennies and dimes for a kiss I…