NameCheap is giving away a coupon for new domain registration or transfer which is only valid for one domain only for $3.99. Use coupon NCROCKS…
So, another generous offer from Mr. Salvatore in LET which asking for banner in 125×125, and the winner is : @demage @bnmkl @Andri …
Here is another Deal of the week fro GoDaddy to get the .com for $4.95 for the first year up to 5 domains.
I just saw an interesting free .asia offer from for 1 year, so I thought I have to share it with you 🙂 Seeing…
Sore ini saya menerima SMS penipuan ke nomor Three saya yang selama ini hanya saya isi melalui KlikBCA seperti berikut : maaf melalui sms,kalau mau diterusin atau bayar sewa kontrakan rumahnya, ke adik sya Heri.Hp:081314293557 sya kuasakan ma dia/sda sya…
Berikut ini adalah ucapan Hari Raya Idul Fitri seorang Coder, yang tidak akan cukup melalui SMS :p #!/bin/bash echo -e “\e[1mHari yang Fitri\e[m”; # Hati check if [ -f /hati/ikhlas ]; then VERSION=`cat /hati/ikhlas` if [ ${VERSION:0:1} -lt 5 ];…