Malam ini saya iseng membuka situs Cloudflare untuk memeriksa fitur SSL yang katanya diberikan secara gratis bahkan untuk member gratisan. Dan setelah masuk ke halaman…
First, I would like to thank for the Bitcoin donation from the address 17dUpvGR3ETAdfWuo7pmwGtvzNEjapig7v. And as far as I know, at the same date, the…
Tonight I’m receiving an email from Stylexnetworks that they’re closing their business. It’s a kind of weird and sad to see them out of the…
Tonight I’m receiving an error alert from my vps from Fiberoute/Cablestreet in node uKVM1 . And it seems like the alert is correct, because I…
Hari ini adalah Ramadhan tanggal 9, beberapa amalan masih terasa sangat kurang, pendalaman artinya juga masih kurang. Disana sini, media massa, media elektronik, jejaring sosial,…
Today I’m receiving an email from WHT offer, it’s from Webline Service Sale with the code july4 The lowest OpenVZ VPS package will come with…