After having several problem, and stay for a while with BuyVM, I decided to quit from them. Long time ago, when I was still loving…
Since today, this blog is operating in dual stack. You can open this blog from IPv4 and also IPv6. No difference from both, but this…
So, after reading several websites which now IPv6 enable, I would like to make this blog IPv6 enable too… :p First case is, I can…
This morning, when I try to move one of my blog to Hostigation, suddenly I can’t access my VPS and my blog. Not long after…
My Laptop Battery and Charger are broken a few days ago, so I have to build a new Desktop PC with an old hardware I’ve…
Another WOW for NameCheap!!! This morning I’m receiving the NameCheap Newsletter and saw an offer for TRUSTe Privacy Policy with seal which normaly costsĀ you…